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Happy Birthday Bucky!

Sarah Fay

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

On March 28th, we're wishing happy 14th birthday to one of our most famous residents--Bucky!

The sanctuary has kept afloat this past year in no small part because of our gentle, friendly, beautiful girl who has joined over 200 Zoom meetings, crashing birthday parties, corporate meetings, classrooms, record launches, Girl Guide troops, graduation ceremonies, margarita nights, and so many more of the online get-togethers we've had to have during this time. Bucky never fails to bring a smile to these meetings and so we want to make sure to celebrate her birthday in style in return!

Join us on March 28th at one on Zoom to celebrate with all our residents! There will be games, cake, and every celebrant will leave with a virtual loot bag from some of our favourite supporters--Copper Branch, Organic Garage, Sweets From The Earth, and more!

Want an invite to Bucky's birthday? It's simple, just become a monthly donor or sponsor one of our residents!

Our monthly donors provide a stable monthly fund that we can use to feed our residents and plan for the future.

Interested in buying Bucky a birthday present? She says thank you, and we have a selection of gifts in our shop for you to choose from! If you're not a monthly donor, but you buy her a gift, you'll get an invite as well!


Bucky was actually born at Farmhouse Garden when we were still a cattle farm. Farmer Mike purchased a donkey named Honey from another farmer. Donkeys have very long pregnancies (12 months! Yeesh!), and so little did Mike know that Honey was carrying a surprise!

Bucky was a cutie from the start, as you can see in this pic, taken when she was a few days old. Her mom later went to live on a neighbouring farm, but she lived to the ripe old age of FIFTY years old. Donkeys are very long lived, and we hope to have Bucky here at the sanctuary for a long time.

Bucky was originally meant to be a guard donkey--Donkeys have excellent hearing and make great protectors against predators in a cow herd. But as anyone who has met her can attest, Bucky was too sweet and gentle, and failed at being a guard. These days she just hangs out with Melody, and the two are the best of friends; unless there are carrots around!

We can't wait to celebrate Bucky's birthday, and hope that you join us for this special event. If you have any questions about Bucky, let us know!

And she's still crashing people's meetings too. Want Bucky at your meeting? Let us know!



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